Partnered Summer Internships

Each summer, the Gould Center provides at least one sponsored internship opportunity for CMC students. The Gould Center partnered internship program is open to CMC first years, sophomores, and juniors with preference given to students majoring in the humanities. Students selected for partnered internships receive funding awards to assist with living expenses associated with the full-time internship.

Summer 2024 Partnered Internships

Southern California public Radio

Lucy Jaffee ’26

Ryan Lenney ’25

Summer 2023 Partnered Internships

Southern California public Radio

Perce Alvarez ’25

Claremont Heritage

Nathaniel Worley ’25

Summer 2022 Partnered Internships

Southern California public Radio

Alexis Gero ’23

Fall 2021 Partnered Internship

Southern California public Radio

Axel Ahdritz ’22

Summer 2021 Partnered Internship

Ronald Regan Museum and Library

Alec Sinek ’22

Summer 2019 Partnered Internship

The Community Agency

Grace Kelleher ’20